Newsletter Signup
Due to scheduling conflicts with Career Kickstart's required meetings, the dates for upcoming webinar sessions have been adjusted. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we accommodate these changes. Read the newsletter for updated details and make sure to mark your calendars with the revised schedule!
One of the most impactful ways to increase cybersecurity course availability in Texas high schools is by investing in the education of our teachers. The WeTeach_Cyber Hub aims to support Texas high school CTE teachers in effectively preparing students for post-secondary cybersecurity opportunities and careers. Participants in the Cyber Hub will join a community of practice, coordinated by the Texas Advanced Computing Center at The University of Texas at Austin, to develop tools, strategies, and expertise for high school cybersecurity programs of study.
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AI-powered tools can shave hours off the amount of time teachers spend grading, lesson-planning, and creating materials. AI can also enrich the lessons they deliver in the classroom and help them meet the varied needs of all students. And it can even help bolster teachers’ own professional growth and development. Despite all the promise of AI, though, experts still urge caution as the technology continues to evolve. Ethical questions and practical concerns are bubbling to the surface, and not all teachers feel prepared to effectively and safely use AI.