Teacher Certification Prep

Get Inspired. WeTeach_CS resources have helped over 600 educators achieve high school computer science certification.

Teacher Certification Prep resources offered by WeTeach_CS support educators seeking teacher credentials that will allow them to teach secondary computer science courses. TExES exams are appropriate for Texas teachers while the Praxis exam is offered in numerous states external to Texas. WeTeach_CS is not a pre-service provider and does not issue initial teacher certificates. The resources provided will assist teachers on:

  • TExES 241 (CS 8-12)
  • TExES 242 (EC-12 Tech Apps)
  • Praxis 5652 & Pearson Computer Science Exams

WeTeach_CS Secondary Certification Hubs

Hubs help TX teachers to gain certification in Grades 8-12 CS and EC-12 Technology Applications. Hubs offer a series of professional development experiences for a cohort of teachers covering all of the content and domains of the certification exams. They include both in-person and virtual learning opportunities, mentorship, and connections to a community of other teachers and content experts all working to broaden participation in computer science. Teachers participating in Certification Hubs earn stipends for both completing professional development and earning certification.

Applications are open for the next statewide cohorts!


Earn a $1000 or $200 Stipend!

WeTeach_CS provides two Certification Incentive Programs (CIP) for educators: Computer Science 8-12 and EC-12 Technology Applications.

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TExES 241 (CS 8-12)

Computer Science 8-12 Certification

This certification is necessary to teach courses such as Computer Science I, II or III, or AP Computer Science A and can be used to teach Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computer Science Principles in Texas. See the Texas Education Agency’s Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) (Chapter 127, Section O) for more information on each course.

The Teacher Assignment Chart provides full list of required teacher certifications aligned to teacher assignments.

Certification Prep Checklist

Foundations of CS for Teachers: TExES | online, async course

Learn key computer science topics to improve instruction and prepare for the TExES Computer Science teacher certification test.

WeTeach_CS Certification Prep: CS 8-12 TExES 241 | in-person or virtual

WeTeach_CS Certification Prep will provide an overview of the educator competencies required of all Texas teachers to become certified in Grades 8-12 Computer Science.

WeTeach_CS Cert Prep Practice Packet - Computer Science 8-12

The WeTeach_CS Cert Prep Practice Packet contains 24 quizzes that each contain ten questions on topics outlined in the Praxis 5652 or the TExES 241 test specifications + two exams, one for Praxis and one for TExES.

The CS 8-12 Test 241 covers four domains. (Scoring weight indicated below.)

  • Domain I – Technology Applications Core (12.5%)
    Understand how to use applications, data, networks, and the Internet to complete simple tasks and large projects.
  • Domain II – Program Design and Development (35%)
    Understand how to design and plan coding efforts.
  • Domain III – Programming Language Topics (40%)
    Write code using data, data types, arrays, loops, control structures, and data structures.
  • Domain IV – Specialized Topics (12.5%)
    This section covers advanced topics such as robotics, digital forensics, discrete math, and game design.

TExES 242 (EC-12 Tech Apps)

EC-12 Technology Applications Certification

This certification can be used to teach Fundamentals of Computer Science and Computer Science Principles in Texas. See the Texas Education Agency’s Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) (Chapter 127, Section O) for more information on each course.

The Teacher Assignment Chart provides full list of required teacher certifications aligned to teacher assignments.

Certification Prep Checklist

WeTeach_CS Certification Prep: EC-12 TExES 242 | in-person or virtual

Will provide an overview of the educator competencies required of all teachers to become certified in EC-12 Technology Applications.

WeTeach_TechApps EC - 12 (TExES 242) Practice Packet

This practice packet contains 12 quizzes with ten questions on each of the competencies outlined in the TExES 242 test specifications for EC through 12 Technology Applications.

The EC-12 Tech Apps TExES 242 exam covers four domains. (Scoring weight indicated below.)

  • Domain I – Technology Applications Core (15%)
    Standards assessed I-VII
  • Domain II –  Digital Art and Animation (30%)
    Standards assessed X
  • Domain III –Digital Communication and Multimedia (25%)
    Standards assessed XII
  • Domain IV – Web Design (30%)
    Standards assessed XIII

Praxis 5652 & Pearson Computer Science Exams

Computer Science 8-12

The following opportunities are available for educators nationwide.

Note: The Praxis exam prep material is aligned to 100% of the competencies on the Praxis exam and approximately 70% of the Pearson exam. These materials are intended for test preparation.

Foundations of CS for Teachers: Praxis

The goal of this online, asynchronous course is to help you prepare successfully for the Praxis and Pearson Computer Science Certification Tests. Following the Praxis structure, the course is divided into five modules and components cover all the competencies listed in both sets of test standards for Computer Science certification. 

WeTeach_CS Certification Prep: Praxis

This workshop is offered in-person or virtually explores and guides you through the domains and competencies stipulated by the Praxis 5652 topic list.

WeTeach_CS Cert Prep Practice Packet

The WeTeach_CS Cert Prep Practice Packet contains 24 quizzes that each contain ten questions on topics outlined in the Praxis 5652 or the TExES 241 test specifications + two exams, one for Praxis and one for TExES.