WeTeach_Cyber has partnered with CYBER.ORG to offer cybersecurity webinars and workshops at no cost to Texas teachers. This initiative aims to support and enhance the professional development opportunities available to school educators, specifically focusing on cybersecurity.
Introduction and overview of CYBER.ORG’s curriculum. Participants will be introduced to the CYBER.ORG platform, receive a walkthrough of the cyber modules, and participate in sample activities from the course. K-12 educators in the US will leave our session with access to no-cost lessons provided by CYBER.ORG.
K-12 Educators
Introduction and overview of CYBER.ORG’s curriculum. Participants will be introduced to the CYBER.ORG platform, receive a walkthrough of the cyber modules, and participate in sample activities from the course. Teachers will work through a CYBER.ORG lesson from the perspective of a student to gain knowledge on how to use our grant funded curriculum and in range in their classroom. K-12 educators in the US will leave our session with access to no-cost lessons provided by CYBER.ORG.
A hands-on introduction and overview of CYBER.ORG’s curriculum and/or cyber range. Participants will be introduced to the CYBER.ORG platform, receive a walkthrough of the cybersecurity curriculum, and participate in sample activities from the course. Teachers will work through several CYBER.ORG lessons from the perspective of a student to gain knowledge on how to use our grant funded curriculum and how to incorporate the CYBER.ORG range into their classroom. K-12 educators in the US will leave our session with access to no-cost lessons provided by CYBER.ORG.
8-12 Educators
Join us for an intro to Computational Thinking and its four key concepts of Decomposition, Patterns, Abstraction and Algorithms. Learn how to integrate Computational Thinking into your subject areas (math, science and English Language Arts) so your students can learn to think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively - the essential skills we all need in today’s society! This workshop will provide participants with resources to incorporate the new K-8 Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (Tech Apps TEKS - Implementation in '24-'25) into their classroom. Participants will also receive access to Cyber.org’s CT modules and Cybersecurity resources.
K-8 Educators
Cybersecurity Basics is a free introductory course for students in grades K-8 from Cyber.org. This workshop will provide participants with resources to incorporate the new K-8 Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (Tech Apps TEKS - Implementation in '24-'25) into their classroom. Participants will also receive access to the Cyber.org modules. Course content is divided into two primary domains:
The goal of this course is to introduce students to basic cybersecurity concepts and inspire interest in cybersecurity careers. This course does not require any prerequisite knowledge in computing or cybersecurity for either the student or teacher. The course can be delivered completely on Chromebooks with no specialized equipment. It includes the use of the CYBER.ORG Range, which is a no cost cyber range for all K-12 educators. This course is meant as an introductory course to CYBER.ORG’s Cybersecurity course.
Grades 8-12
A comprehensive year-long course geared toward educators teaching high school cybersecurity. With over a hundred and fifty lesson topics and a plethora of activities, the Cybersecurity course provides the rigor and relevance expected for top quality cybersecurity education. Not only does Cybersecurity introduce real-world cybersecurity concepts and skills, it also prepares students to verify their technical know-how through the CompTIA Security+ certification.
Grades 10-12
A no-cost, safe, virtual environment to practice cybersecurity skills. Teachers will be able to lead their students through labs and allow them to experience cyber attacks in a safe and controlled, virtual environment. All labs in the CYBER.ORG Cybersecurity course can be completed on the CYBER.ORG Range.
Cyber Society is a set of liberal arts units designed into introduce students to how the world of cybersecurity affects their lives every day.
This course focuses on the liberal arts and ethics of Cybersecurity. The skills they learn from these modules will help them be more confident in how they interact with ever-growing and connected world around them. The modules throughout this course will better prepare students to become educated members of the future cybersecurity workforce.
Contact us for more details or to schedule a workshop for your campus, district, region, or state!
Sheryl Roehl (Grades K-8) sroehl@tacc.utexas.edu
Nikki Hendricks (Grades 9-12) nhendricks@tacc.utexas.edu