Texas Computer Science Pipeline

Statewide Professional Development Network

The Texas CS Pipeline initiative is a statewide professional development network dedicated to broadening participation in K-12 computer science. The project is funded by a $14 million grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board awarded to the WeTeach_CS program at UT Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center.

The project goals are to:

  • Increase the number of secondary certified teachers in computer science in Texas
  • Increase the number of schools offering computer science courses in Texas
  • Increase and diversify the number of students taking HS computer science courses in TX
  • Increase the number of students in K-8 experiencing computational thinking, coding, and programming aligned to the Technology Applications TEKS and through integration with core disciplines.


Interest Survey

Are you interested in learning more about professional development opportunities available to Texas educators to promote Computer Science education? Fill out the TX CS Pipeline Interest Survey and we'll help you get started!

TX CS Pipeline Interest Survey


Amy Carrell
