About WeTeach_CS

Educates, empowers, and inspires K-12 CS teachers, administrators, professional development providers, and university instructors to realize the vision of computer science for all.

WeTeach_CS (WTCS) is a teacher professional development program that has empowered over 600 K-12 educators nationwide to integrate and advance computer science education in their classrooms.


Growing computing content knowledge

  • Comprehensive online courses
  • Unique face to face workshops
  • Nationally renowned WeTeach_CS Summit featuring: computer science experts, academic researchers, and industry partners


Improving instructional strategies

  • Integrating computational thinking into core academics
  • Incorporating computer science into the entire continuum of K-12 training from ScratchJr. and Code.org with pre-readers to advanced topics like 3D printing, robotics, and cybersecurity with high school students

CS for ALL

Expanding Computer Science

  • The WeTeach_CS Summit brings the latest pioneers in CS education to consult on best practices and pedagogy to ensure everyone is able to engage with and learn computer science.
  • Our newsletter which highlights events, workshops, and successful programs to provide examples of how educators can leverage contextually-relevant WTCS resources.


Increasing the number of certified educators

  • Self-paced online course aligned to the TExES and Praxis exams
  • A three-day face to face course, WeTeach_CS Certification Prep
  • Stipends to incentivize educators seeking certification


Building community with all stakeholders

  • The WeTeach_CS Summit is a three day event that brings together K-12 educators and CS advocates to network, collaborate, and share what works in advancing the goal of computer science for all
  • Partnerships with industry and non-profit leaders, such as CS4TX and Code.org, as well as numerous institutions of higher education and research
  • A newsletter which highlights professional development, grants and scholarships, student experiences, and policy/funding updates at the state and federal levels