WeTeach_CS educates, empowers, and inspires K-12 CS teachers, administrators, professional development providers, and university instructors to realize the vision of computer science for all.
WeTeach_CS resources to support educators seeking teacher credentials that will allow them to teach secondary computer science courses.
Educates, supports, and promotes cybersecurity education in the K-12 academic arena.
Dedicated to the vision that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science and artificial intelligence as part of their core K-12 education.
The 2025 WeTeach_CS Summit is a 2-day event which educates, empowers, and inspires K-12 CS and Cybersecurity teachers, advocates, administrators, professional development providers, university instructors, and policymakers to advance the goal of CS for All in Texas and beyond.
Conference Strands: Broadening Participation in CS, CS Basics, Advanced CS Topics, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Integrated CS into other Curricula, CS in K-5 Classrooms, Leadership for CS
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WeTeach_CS (WTCS) is a teacher professional development program that has empowered over 600 K-12 educators nationwide to integrate and advance computer science education in their classrooms.
WTCS is increasing the number of computer science certified high school teachers, increasing the number of high schools offering computer science courses, increasing the number and variety of students enrolled in computer science, and expanding access to computational thinking, coding and programming experiences for all K-8 students.
> Learn more about our Goals & Outcomes
Find an overview of the workshops and resources available for educators by grade level.
Are you interested in learning more about FREE professional development opportunities available to Texas educators to promote Computer Science education? Fill out the TX CS Pipeline Interest Survey and we'll help you get started!
TX CS Pipeline Interest Survey
Interested in regular updates about all of the resources and workshops WeTeach_CS has available for educators? Stay connected with our biweekly newsletter.
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